Tracking State of Charge

1 min. readlast update: 08.20.2024

State of charge, or SOC, refers to the measure of energy stored within a BESS asset at any given time. This metric is crucial because it determines the battery's ability to charge or discharge in response to hourly price signals. A battery can only discharge when prices are high if it already charged earlier that day. Similarly, a battery can only charge when prices are low if it has capacity to fill. Tracking the SOC ensures that we reflect this real-world limitation that all BESS assets face when attempting to maximize revenue. 

RenewaFi simulates a State of Charge tracker by assuming that the BESS asset can complete up to two charge-discharge cycles per day. When calculating the historical ratio of Perfect to Persistence revenue, the SOC tracker monitors when the BESS asset is able to charge or discharge, ensuring that these actions are only simulated when they are feasible. The use of the SOC tracker results in a slight reduction in the calculated TB2 value.

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